"Kill bad cells" correction

To use "KillBuggyCells" correction (not official yet) you should follow the instruction for the cal_corr_dst package. The new cell killer is also implemented in this package and you can follow almost the same recipe to use it. Instead of the tag cal_corr_dst v00-00-03 advertised on the web page, use the new tag cal_corr_dst js-9sep2003

You also need to addpkg dq_calo_run_status v01-01-00

The web page describes how to add RegCorrectSharedEnergy to analysis_example/bin/OBJECTS . To use the new cell killer, simply replace RegCorrectSharedEnergy with RegKillBuggyCells . Instead of adding correctse in analysis_example/rcp/runD0ChunkAnalyze_TMB.rcp , add killcells with RCP killcells = <cal_corr_dst KillBuggyCells>

You also need to have a directory with ASCII data quality files. The archived version available here. Save this file, then upack it:
tar -zxvf CAL_28Apr04.tar.gz
The directory DQ will be created with files CAL_runNumber.dat.
Change the path for the DQ files in cal_corr_dst/rcp/KillBuggyCells.rcp. The rest of the recipe remains identical.

The first results with jets reported at calgo meeting.
Viacheslav Shary
Last modified: Wed Apr 28 11:06:14 CEST 2004