configurator generates events with the Alpgen event generator and hadronizes them with the Pythia code.
Various options are foreseen:
1- production of FOME and Pythia data with their metadata Request OutputFileName (Pythia evpack file: alpgenpythia_.....) framework RCP runAlpgenPythia.rcp
2- Production of an Alpgen grid use framework RCP runAlpgenOnly.rcp OutputFilename is defined as alpgenGRID_.....
3- production of FOME and Pythia data with their metadata starting from a prexisting GRID GRIDInputFile and framework RCP runAlpgenPythiaNoWarmup.rcp
configurator generates events with the Alpgen event generator and hadronizes them with the Pythia code.
Various options are foreseen:
1- production of FOME and Pythia data with their metadata Request OutputFileName (Pythia evpack file: alpgenpythia_.....) framework RCP runAlpgenPythia.rcp
2- Production of an Alpgen grid use framework RCP runAlpgenOnly.rcp OutputFilename is defined as alpgenGRID_.....
3- production of FOME and Pythia data with their metadata starting from a prexisting GRID GRIDInputFile and framework RCP runAlpgenPythiaNoWarmup.rcp
Schema Element Documentation
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
ACouplComp | None | Parameter ITCM(5) for TC or other compositness models. |
AlpgenAppFamily | None | No description |
AlpgenPDFLibFunc | None | Alpgen (not LHA) PDF name (deduced from PDFLibFunc ) |
AppFamily | generator | SAM Application family (The tuple AppFamily, AppName, AppVersion ) has to be declared to SAM |
AppName | alpgenpythia | SAM Application name |
AppVersion | None | SAM Application version ident. to d0release version |
BMass | None | Mass of the b quark |
Bprime_Mass | None | Mass of the Bprime |
Bprime_Width | None | Width of the Bprime |
Cardfile | None | Full path cardfile name built from CardfilePath, CardfileVersion CardfileDir and CardfileName, set automatically |
Cardfile2 | None | Full path cardfile name built from CardfilePath, CardfileVersion, 'defaults' and CardfileName2, set automatically |
CardfileDir | None | Subdirectory in cardfiles package where the channel process is described( i.e dzero, or higgs, ... ) |
CardfileName | None | Card file name built from ProjectName, Production and Decay, set automatically |
CardfileName2 | None | A 2nd cardfile if needed ( only for AlpgenPythia ), set automatically |
CardfilePath | None | Path to cardfiles ( defined by the CARDDIR variable) |
CardfileVersion | None | Version of the cardfiles package |
ChTechniPiMass | None | Mass of Charged Techni Pion,sets PMAS(330,1) |
ChTechniRhoMass | None | Mass of Charged Techni Rho, sets PMAS(334,1) |
CMass | None | Mass of the c quark |
Cmdcardfile | None | Full path generator command file name built from CardfilePath, CardfileVersion, 'defaults', and CmdcardfileName |
CmdcardfileName | pythia.cmd | Name of the generator command file in the cardfiles default subdirectory |
CollisionEnergy | None | Centre Of Mass Energy of the Beams |
CommandLineArgs | None | Arguments passed to the Executable eg. myoutput.dat |
CommandLineOpts | Options passed to the Executable eg. --verbose | |
CustomExecutable | None | Name of a custom executable binary, supercede Executable |
CustomPTable | None | Custom ptable.dat file to use from cardfiles package |
D0MessProcess | None |
To define the d0_mess_ |
D0MessRCPFile | None | Full path D0mess RCP file (to bypass D0MessProcess for testing purposes) |
D0Release | None | Version of D0 Software to use for this executable |
DataStream | None | DataStream of the output stream, 'notstreamed' for MC files |
DataTier | generated | DataTier of the output stream |
Decay | None | Physics decay mode |
DefaultsCard | None | Defined at runtime from generator name, version , and tune name |
DistroDirectory | None | Path to runtime 'releases' directory, setup script will be constructed with os.path.join(self['DistroDirectory'], 'releases', self['ProjectVersion'], self['DistroSetup']) |
DistroPackage | None | If using an executable tarball, list it's full (runtime) path here and the setup script will unpack it. |
DistroSetup | run.sh | Name of exe setup script to source |
DR-hf-hf | None | ALPGEN drbmin, drcmin |
DR-lep-lep | None | ALPGEN drlmin |
DR-lf-lf | None | ALPGEN drjmin |
DumpNumber | None | Parameter in DumpEvent.rcp |
DumpPeriod | None | Parameter in DumpEvent.rcp |
EtaGt | None | Min. eta |
EtaLt | None | Max. eta |
EventsWrite-dst | events-dst.write | Status filename of the DST file, set automatically |
EventsWrite-monitor | events-monitor.write | Status filename of the monitor file, set automatically |
EventsWrite-thumbnail | events-thumbnail.write | Status filename of the thumbnail file, set automatically |
EventsWrite-zerobias | events-zerobias.write | Status filename of the zerobias file, set automatically |
EventsWriteFile | events.write | Status filename for the output file |
EvtGenDecayfile | None | Find in cardfiles defaults directory an updated version of the EvtGenDecayFile, it will define at runtime the EVTGEN_DECAY_FILE variable |
EvtGenDecayProcess | None |
Define the user.dec_ |
EvtGenPdt | None | Find in cardfiles defaults directory an updated version of the EvtGen pdt.table, it will define at runtime the EVTGEN_PDT variable |
Executable | alpgen_prod_x | Name of executable binary, set automatically for explicitly supported programs in D0Runjob |
FomeAppFamily | fome-gen | Application family for the FOME outputfile, set by d0runjob |
FomeAppName | alpgen | Application name for the FOME outputfile, set by d0runjob |
FomeDataTier | fome | Datat Tier for the FOME outputfile, set by d0runjob |
FomeLogname | alpgen.bookkeeping | Logfile name of the FOME job, set by d0runjob |
FOMEOutputFile | None | Name of the FOME outputfile, set by d0runjob |
FomeSamSchema | ['global', 'fome'] | Sam schema for the FOME outputfile, set by d0runjob |
FomeScriptname | generateFome.py | Name of the script which produces the FOME metadata |
FrameworkRCPName | runAlpgenPythia.rcp | Name of framework RCP file to use for the executable. D0runjob has a default name if not set. |
FrameworkRCPPackage | alpgen_prod | Package to get framework RCP from, D0runjob has a default name if not set. |
Fscal-opt | None | ALPGEN iqopt |
Fscal-val | None | ALPGEN qfac |
GauginoMass | None | Mass of the gaugino |
generator | None | To select the configurator and to define the outputfile prefix |
GravitonMass | None | Mass of the Graviton |
GravitonWidth | None | Width of the Graviton |
GRIDInputFile | None | Name of the input Grid file (produced by an earlier Alpgen job) |
HiggsAMass | None | Pseudo-scalar Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(36,1) |
HiggsHMass | None | Heavy Neutral Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(35,1) |
HiggsLMass | None | Light Neutral Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(25,1) or MHIGGS |
HiggsPMass | None | Singly charged Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(37,1) |
HiggsPPMass | None | Doubly charged Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(353,1) |
In-Ex-Cl | None | ALPGEN matchingMode |
InputFiles | None | List of input files, for chained tasks, it is set automatically |
InputFilesLocation | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
Itmx1 | None | ALPGEN NWarmup |
KinMassGt | None | Mass Range minimum, depends on cardfile, sets CKIN(1) or EMMIN |
KinMassLt | None | Mass Range maximum, depends on cardfile, sets CKIN(2) or EMMAX |
Ktfac | None | ALPGEN Ktfac |
LeptoQuarkMass | None | Mass of LeptoQuark, sets PMAS(39,1) |
Mass-Max-34 | None | Max. mass of particle 3 and 4 |
Mass-Max-56 | None | Max. mass of particle 5 and 6 |
Mass-Min-34 | None | Min. mass of particle 3 and 4 |
Mass-Min-56 | None | Min. mass of particle 5 and 6 |
Matching_DR | None | ALPGEN RClus |
Matching_opt | None | ALPGEN cluopt |
Matching_PT | None | ALPGEN EtClus |
MaxSeed | 500000000 | Max. seed value |
Mb | None | ALPGEN mass of the b quark |
Mc | None | ALPGEN mass of the c quark |
MET | None | ALPGEN metmin |
MinSeed | 0 | Min. seed value (protection of generator seeds) |
MPIFlag | None | Jimmy Multiple interactions flag , 1= on or 0 = off |
MPIpT | None | pT of the partons undergoing secondary hard scatter |
MSTP5_code | None | Integer to initialize MSTP(5) |
Mt | None | ALPGEN mass of the t quark |
MultiplePartonInteractions | None | Turn on Multiple Parton Level interactions, sets MSTP(81) |
Ncal1 | None | ALPGEN NeventsWarmup |
Ncal2 | None | ALPGEN NeventAfterWarmup |
noFPE | on | by default, executables (except D0gstar) are run with -fpe option i.e. noFPE is off |
NumEvents | None | Nb. of events to generate |
NumRecords | None | Set identical to NumEvents, for SAM metadata |
NumTries | None | To generate enough events in case of d0mess filtering or generator failures ( set automatically ) |
OnetopCardfile | None | NOT USED Onetop Cardfile name |
OnetopOnlyTop | None | NOT USED Produce t, tbar or ttbar for onetop |
OnetopProcess | None | NOT USED Process to use for onetop, can be one of the following 2to2, wgfusion, schannel, wbbbarbkgnd, ttbarbkgnd, wt |
OutputFile | None | Name of event outputfile |
OutputFilesLocation | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
ParamCategory | generated | Set by d0runjob for each configurator among the possible values : merge, generated, simulated, digitized, reconstructed, merge, root-tuple. |
PDFcode | None | code deduced from PDFLibFunc |
PDFLibFunc | None | LHA PDFLib function to use |
Production | None | Physics production channel |
ProjectName | alpgen | Name of the project, set by d0runjob for each task i.e. pythia, alpgen, d0gstar,... |
ProjectVersion | None | ident. to release version |
ProvenanceFileLocation | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
ProvenanceFileName | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
Pt-min-lep1 | None | ALPGEN ptlmin |
Pt_min_hf | None | ALPGEN ptbmin, ptcmin |
Pt_min_lf | None | ALPGEN ptjmin |
PtGt | None | Min. pT |
PtLt | None | Max. pT |
QQDecayProcess | None |
Define the user.dec_ |
QQMC | None | Set at runtime to edit the pythia.cmd file ( 1: QQ; 2: EvtGen ) |
RanSeed0 | None | Initialisation seed for the vertex generation |
RanSeed1 | None | Initialisation of generator seeds ( 2 for Herwig) |
RanSeed2 | None | Initialisation of generator seeds ( 2 for Herwig) |
RcpCustomDir | None | Local directory for custom RCPs |
RcpDirectory | None |
D0runjob working variable defined as $SRT_PUBLIC_CONTEXT/ |
RHNeutrinoMass | None | Right handed neutrino mass |
RunDescriptorList | None | Parameter for SAM !!! |
RunNumber | None | Run number (could be incremented using d0_runjob) |
RuntimeCardName | alpgen.cards | Name of the cardfile at runtime (i.e pythia.cards) set by d0runjob |
RuntimeCardName2 | pythia.cards | Name of the 2nd generator cardfile at runtime (only for AlpgenPythia) set by d0runjob |
RuntimeCmdcardName | pythia.cmd | Name of the generator command file at runtime (i.e pythia.cmd) set by d0runjob. |
SamFileType | None | for reconstructed data it is 'derivedDetector' for MC files it is 'importedSimulated' |
SamSchema | ['global', 'generated'] | List of directories to appear in SAM metadata, set for each configurator |
SamStoreOutput | None | Output stream to store in Enstore i.e. thumbnail |
Sbottom1Mass | None | Mass of the sbottom_1 |
SLHA | 0 | Switch for SUSY Les Houches Accord ( 0: d0runjob default, 1[2]: use mass spectra [and decay] from cardfiles ) |
SLHA_Card_Fullpath | None |
Name of the SLHA card file in |
SLHARuntimeName | SUSY_spectr_decay.slha | Name of the runtime SLHA file, set by d0runjob |
Stop1Mass | None | Mass of the stop_1 |
Strace | None | Switch to strace the command |
TanBeta | None | tan(beta) |
TaskDirectoryName | None | D0runjob working variable |
TaskScriptName | None | D0runjob working variable |
TauCmdFile | None | Name of the tauola command file in ( CardfilePath + CardfileVersion + 'tauola') directory (without the .cmd extension) |
TauCmdFileM | None | Same for tau- |
TauCmdFileP | None | Same for tau+ |
TechniOmega0Mass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Omega, sets PMAS(335,1) |
TechniPi0Mass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Pion,sets PMAS(329,1) |
TechniPi0PrimeMass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Pion Prime,sets PMAS(331,1) |
TechniRho0Mass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Rho, sets PMAS(333,1) |
TopMass | None | Top Quark Mass, sets PMAS(6,1) |
TopWidth | None | Top Quark Width |
Tprime_Mass | None | Mass of the Tprime |
Tprime_Width | None | Width of the Tprime |
UE_Tune_Set | tuneA | Underlying Events tune name |
UED_Rinv | None | UED curvature of the extradim |
UseEvtGen | None | Set to on for selecting for EvtGen |
UseEvtGenUserDec | None | To bypass the EvtGenDecayProcess variable for testing purposes |
UseMaxopt | 1 | Use the Maxopt build of this executable if possible. (1: use maxopt, 0: use normal debug build |
UseOnetop | None | NOT USED switch to turn on Onetop |
UseQQ | None | Set to on for selecting QQ (obsolete) |
UseQQUserDec | None | To bypass the QQDecayProcess variable for testing purposes |
UserExeDir | None | User directory for customized executables in 1st position in PATH |
WorkGroup | dzero | Working group name |
WPrimeMass | None | Mass of W prime, sets PMAS(34,1) |
Y-max-lep1 | None | ALPGEN etalmax |
Y_max_hf | None | ALPGEN etabmax, etacmax |
Y_max_lf | None | ALPGEN etajmax |
ZCompInterfSign | None | Z Compositness Interference Sign, sets PARU(156) |
ZCompScale | None | Compositness Scale for Composite Z particles,sets PARU(155) |
ZPrimeMass | None | Mass of Z prime, sets PMAS(32,1) |