configurator generates events with the Herwig MC event generator and produces the MCKineChunk chunk.
configurator generates events with the Herwig MC event generator and produces the MCKineChunk chunk.
Schema Element Documentation
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
ACouplComp | None | Parameter ITCM(5) for TC or other compositness models. |
AppFamily | generator | SAM Application family (The tuple AppFamily, AppName, AppVersion ) has to be declared to SAM |
AppName | herwig | SAM Application name |
AppVersion | None | SAM Application version ident. to d0release version |
BMass | None | Mass of the b quark |
Bprime_Mass | None | Mass of the Bprime |
Bprime_Width | None | Width of the Bprime |
Cardfile | None | Full path cardfile name built from CardfilePath, CardfileVersion CardfileDir and CardfileName, set automatically |
Cardfile2 | None | Full path cardfile name built from CardfilePath, CardfileVersion, 'defaults' and CardfileName2, set automatically |
CardfileDir | None | Subdirectory in cardfiles package where the channel process is described( i.e dzero, or higgs, ... ) |
CardfileName | None | Card file name built from ProjectName, Production and Decay, set automatically |
CardfileName2 | None | A 2nd cardfile if needed ( only for AlpgenPythia ), set automatically |
CardfilePath | None | Path to cardfiles ( defined by the CARDDIR variable) |
CardfileVersion | None | Version of the cardfiles package |
ChTechniPiMass | None | Mass of Charged Techni Pion,sets PMAS(330,1) |
ChTechniRhoMass | None | Mass of Charged Techni Rho, sets PMAS(334,1) |
CMass | None | Mass of the c quark |
Cmdcardfile | None | Full path generator command file name built from CardfilePath, CardfileVersion, 'defaults', and CmdcardfileName |
CmdcardfileName | None | Name of the generator command file in the cardfiles default subdirectory |
CollisionEnergy | None | Centre Of Mass Energy of the Beams |
CommandLineArgs | None | Arguments passed to the Executable eg. myoutput.dat |
CommandLineOpts | Options passed to the Executable eg. --verbose | |
CustomExecutable | None | Name of a custom executable binary, supercede Executable |
CustomPTable | None | Custom ptable.dat file to use from cardfiles package |
D0MessProcess | None |
To define the d0_mess_ |
D0MessRCPFile | None | Full path D0mess RCP file (to bypass D0MessProcess for testing purposes) |
D0Release | None | Version of D0 Software to use for this executable |
DataStream | None | DataStream of the output stream, 'notstreamed' for MC files |
DataTier | generated | DataTier of the output stream |
Decay | None | Physics decay mode |
DefaultsCard | None | Defined at runtime from generator name, version , and tune name |
DistroDirectory | None | Path to runtime 'releases' directory, setup script will be constructed with os.path.join(self['DistroDirectory'], 'releases', self['ProjectVersion'], self['DistroSetup']) |
DistroPackage | None | If using an executable tarball, list it's full (runtime) path here and the setup script will unpack it. |
DistroSetup | run.sh | Name of exe setup script to source |
DumpNumber | None | Parameter in DumpEvent.rcp |
DumpPeriod | None | Parameter in DumpEvent.rcp |
EtaGt | None | Min. eta |
EtaLt | None | Max. eta |
EventsWrite-dst | events-dst.write | Status filename of the DST file, set automatically |
EventsWrite-monitor | events-monitor.write | Status filename of the monitor file, set automatically |
EventsWrite-thumbnail | events-thumbnail.write | Status filename of the thumbnail file, set automatically |
EventsWrite-zerobias | events-zerobias.write | Status filename of the zerobias file, set automatically |
EventsWriteFile | events.write | Status filename for the output file |
EvtGenDecayfile | None | Find in cardfiles defaults directory an updated version of the EvtGenDecayFile, it will define at runtime the EVTGEN_DECAY_FILE variable |
EvtGenDecayProcess | None |
Define the user.dec_ |
EvtGenPdt | None | Find in cardfiles defaults directory an updated version of the EvtGen pdt.table, it will define at runtime the EVTGEN_PDT variable |
Executable | MCherwig.x | Name of executable binary, set automatically for explicitly supported programs in D0Runjob |
FrameworkRCPName | runMCherwig.rcp | Name of framework RCP file to use for the executable. D0runjob has a default name if not set. |
FrameworkRCPPackage | d0_mcpp_gen | Package to get framework RCP from, D0runjob has a default name if not set. |
GauginoMass | None | Mass of the gaugino |
generator | None | To select the configurator and to define the outputfile prefix |
GravitonMass | None | Mass of the Graviton |
GravitonWidth | None | Width of the Graviton |
HiggsAMass | None | Pseudo-scalar Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(36,1) |
HiggsHMass | None | Heavy Neutral Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(35,1) |
HiggsLMass | None | Light Neutral Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(25,1) or MHIGGS |
HiggsPMass | None | Singly charged Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(37,1) |
HiggsPPMass | None | Doubly charged Higgs Mass, sets PMAS(353,1) |
HWnodecName | herwig.nodec | No description |
HWnodecRuntimeName | herwig.nodec | Name of the nodec file, set by d0runjob |
InputFiles | None | List of input files, for chained tasks, it is set automatically |
InputFilesLocation | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
KinMassGt | None | Mass Range minimum, depends on cardfile, sets CKIN(1) or EMMIN |
KinMassLt | None | Mass Range maximum, depends on cardfile, sets CKIN(2) or EMMAX |
LeptoQuarkMass | None | Mass of LeptoQuark, sets PMAS(39,1) |
Mass-Max-34 | None | Max. mass of particle 3 and 4 |
Mass-Max-56 | None | Max. mass of particle 5 and 6 |
Mass-Min-34 | None | Min. mass of particle 3 and 4 |
Mass-Min-56 | None | Min. mass of particle 5 and 6 |
MaxSeed | 500000000 | Max. seed value |
MinSeed | 0 | Min. seed value (protection of generator seeds) |
MPIFlag | None | Jimmy Multiple interactions flag , 1= on or 0 = off |
MPIpT | None | pT of the partons undergoing secondary hard scatter |
MSTP5_code | None | Integer to initialize MSTP(5) |
MultiplePartonInteractions | None | Turn on Multiple Parton Level interactions, sets MSTP(81) |
noFPE | on | by default, executables (except D0gstar) are run with -fpe option i.e. noFPE is off |
NumEvents | None | Nb. of events to generate |
NumRecords | None | Set identical to NumEvents, for SAM metadata |
NumTries | None | To generate enough events in case of d0mess filtering or generator failures ( set automatically ) |
OnetopCardfile | None | NOT USED Onetop Cardfile name |
OnetopOnlyTop | None | NOT USED Produce t, tbar or ttbar for onetop |
OnetopProcess | None | NOT USED Process to use for onetop, can be one of the following 2to2, wgfusion, schannel, wbbbarbkgnd, ttbarbkgnd, wt |
OutputFile | None | Name of event outputfile |
OutputFilesLocation | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
ParamCategory | generated | Set by d0runjob for each configurator among the possible values : merge, generated, simulated, digitized, reconstructed, merge, root-tuple. |
PDFcode | None | code deduced from PDFLibFunc |
PDFLibFunc | None | LHA PDFLib function to use |
Production | None | Physics production channel |
ProjectName | herwig | Name of the project, set by d0runjob for each task i.e. pythia, alpgen, d0gstar,... |
ProjectVersion | None | ident. to release version |
ProvenanceFileLocation | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
ProvenanceFileName | None | D0runjob working variable, set automatically |
PtGt | None | Min. pT |
PtLt | None | Max. pT |
QQDecayProcess | None |
Define the user.dec_ |
QQMC | None | Set at runtime to edit the pythia.cmd file ( 1: QQ; 2: EvtGen ) |
RanSeed0 | None | Initialisation seed for the vertex generation |
RanSeed1 | None | Initialisation of generator seeds ( 2 for Herwig) |
RanSeed2 | None | Initialisation of generator seeds ( 2 for Herwig) |
RcpCustomDir | None | Local directory for custom RCPs |
RcpDirectory | None |
D0runjob working variable defined as $SRT_PUBLIC_CONTEXT/ |
RHNeutrinoMass | None | Right handed neutrino mass |
RunDescriptorList | None | Parameter for SAM !!! |
RunNumber | None | Run number (could be incremented using d0_runjob) |
RuntimeCardName | herwig.cmd | Name of the cardfile at runtime (i.e pythia.cards) set by d0runjob |
RuntimeCardName2 | None | Name of the 2nd generator cardfile at runtime (only for AlpgenPythia) set by d0runjob |
RuntimeCmdcardName | None | Name of the generator command file at runtime (i.e pythia.cmd) set by d0runjob. |
SamFileType | None | for reconstructed data it is 'derivedDetector' for MC files it is 'importedSimulated' |
SamSchema | ['global', 'generated'] | List of directories to appear in SAM metadata, set for each configurator |
SamStoreOutput | None | Output stream to store in Enstore i.e. thumbnail |
Sbottom1Mass | None | Mass of the sbottom_1 |
SLHA | 0 | Switch for SUSY Les Houches Accord ( 0: d0runjob default, 1[2]: use mass spectra [and decay] from cardfiles ) |
SLHA_Card_Fullpath | None |
Name of the SLHA card file in |
SLHARuntimeName | SUSY_spectr_decay.slha | Name of the runtime SLHA file, set by d0runjob |
Stop1Mass | None | Mass of the stop_1 |
Strace | None | Switch to strace the command |
TanBeta | None | tan(beta) |
TaskDirectoryName | None | D0runjob working variable |
TaskScriptName | None | D0runjob working variable |
TauCmdFile | None | Name of the tauola command file in ( CardfilePath + CardfileVersion + 'tauola') directory (without the .cmd extension) |
TauCmdFileM | None | Same for tau- |
TauCmdFileP | None | Same for tau+ |
TechniOmega0Mass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Omega, sets PMAS(335,1) |
TechniPi0Mass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Pion,sets PMAS(329,1) |
TechniPi0PrimeMass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Pion Prime,sets PMAS(331,1) |
TechniRho0Mass | None | Mass of Neutral Techni Rho, sets PMAS(333,1) |
TopMass | None | Top Quark Mass, sets PMAS(6,1) |
TopWidth | None | Top Quark Width |
Tprime_Mass | None | Mass of the Tprime |
Tprime_Width | None | Width of the Tprime |
UE_Tune_Set | None | Underlying Events tune name |
UED_Rinv | None | UED curvature of the extradim |
UseEvtGen | None | Set to on for selecting for EvtGen |
UseEvtGenUserDec | None | To bypass the EvtGenDecayProcess variable for testing purposes |
UseMaxopt | 1 | Use the Maxopt build of this executable if possible. (1: use maxopt, 0: use normal debug build |
UseOnetop | None | NOT USED switch to turn on Onetop |
UseQQ | None | Set to on for selecting QQ (obsolete) |
UseQQUserDec | None | To bypass the QQDecayProcess variable for testing purposes |
UserExeDir | None | User directory for customized executables in 1st position in PATH |
WorkGroup | dzero | Working group name |
WPrimeMass | None | Mass of W prime, sets PMAS(34,1) |
ZCompInterfSign | None | Z Compositness Interference Sign, sets PARU(156) |
ZCompScale | None | Compositness Scale for Composite Z particles,sets PARU(155) |
ZPrimeMass | None | Mass of Z prime, sets PMAS(32,1) |