Manager Configurator for job wide variables
used for DZero tasks
Schema Element Documentation
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
ContactEmail | None | A contact email for the user. Some components of the D0 may offer email notification of certain events, they will look here for a valid email address |
CreationTime | None | No description |
Executable | null | No description |
JobCacheArea | None | Area to build the jobs in. This must be some filesystem that the user has write access to. For example: /tmp/myJobs |
JobDBFile | None | No description |
JobDBName | MgrFwkJobDB | No description |
JobName | None | General Name for the Job, this will be used to generate the unique job names as required. This should be a descriptive word such as production, or analysis etc. |
JobNameEnvVar | MGRFWK_JOB_TOPLEVEL | No description |
LogLevel | INFO | Define the verbosity of the log output : DEBUG, INFO, ... |
ManualIncrement | False | No description |
OptionalMonitors | [] | No description |
RuntimeBinArea | localBin | No description |
RuntimePythonArea | localPython | No description |
RuntimePythonBinary | python | No description |
ShREEKExecutorOptions | No description | |
UniqueID | None | Unique Identifier for the job. This must be an integer based value that can be incremented for each job created, for example: 1. If this value is not set, then a unique random based number will be generated |
UniqueJobName | None | No description |
UserName | None | User Name, if not set, will be looked up from USER environment variable |