# href="http://d0-france.in2p3.fr/WORKING_GROUPS/SOFTWARE/mc_prod/D0RUNJOB/css/nemesis.css" />



configurator generates single particle events. It runs first the MCSingle.x executable to generate a set of 4-vectors, then the MCByHand.x executable produces the MCKineChunk chunk.

Schema Element Documentation

Parameter Default Value Description
AppFamily generator SAM Application family (The tuple AppFamily, AppName, AppVersion ) has to be declared to SAM
AppName single SAM Application name
AppVersion None SAM Application version ident. to d0release version
AutoAntiOn 0 Generate both particle and antiparticle
CardfilePath None Useless for the single generator
CommandLineArgs None Arguments passed to the Executable eg. myoutput.dat
CommandLineOpts Options passed to the Executable eg. --verbose
CustomExecutable None Name of a custom executable binary, supercede Executable
D0Release None Version of D0 Software to use for this executable
DataStream None DataStream of the output stream, 'notstreamed' for MC files
DataTier generated DataTier of the output stream
DecayFile None Pointer to isajet decay file
DistroDirectory None Path to runtime 'releases' directory, setup script will be constructed with os.path.join(self['DistroDirectory'], 'releases', self['ProjectVersion'], self['DistroSetup'])
DistroPackage None If using an executable tarball, list it's full (runtime) path here and the setup script will unpack it.
DistroSetup run.sh Name of exe setup script to source
EtaFlat 0 Use a flat eta distribution
EtaGt None Min. eta
EtaLt None Max. eta
EventsWrite-dst events-dst.write Status filename of the DST file, set automatically
EventsWrite-monitor events-monitor.write Status filename of the monitor file, set automatically
EventsWrite-thumbnail events-thumbnail.write Status filename of the thumbnail file, set automatically
EventsWrite-zerobias events-zerobias.write Status filename of the zerobias file, set automatically
EventsWriteFile events.write Status filename for the output file
Executable MCbyHand.x Name of executable binary, set automatically for explicitly supported programs in D0Runjob
FrameworkRCPName runMCbyHand.rcp Name of framework RCP file to use for the executable. D0runjob has a default name if not set.
FrameworkRCPPackage d0_mcpp_gen Package to get framework RCP from, D0runjob has a default name if not set.
generator single To select the configurator and to define the outputfile prefix
InputFiles None List of input files, for chained tasks, it is set automatically
InputFilesLocation None D0runjob working variable, set automatically
MaxSeed 500000000 Max. seed value
MinSeed 0 Min. seed value (protection of generator seeds)
Multiplicity 1 Particle Multiplicity
noFPE on by default, executables (except D0gstar) are run with -fpe option i.e. noFPE is off
NumEvents None Nb. of events to generate
NumRecords None Set identical to NumEvents, for SAM metadata
OutputFile None Name of event outputfile
OutputFilesLocation None D0runjob working variable, set automatically
ParamCategory generated Set by d0runjob for each configurator among the possible values : merge, generated, simulated, digitized, reconstructed, merge, root-tuple.
PdgID None No description
PdgId None PDG Id of single particle to generate
PhiGt 0.0 Lower Phi limit
PhiLt 6.2832 Upper Phi limit
ProjectName single Name of the project, set by d0runjob for each task i.e. pythia, alpgen, d0gstar,...
ProjectVersion None ident. to release version
ProvenanceFileLocation None D0runjob working variable, set automatically
ProvenanceFileName None D0runjob working variable, set automatically
PtAsEnergy 0 Interpret Pt as Energy
PtGt None Min. pT
PtLt None Max. pT
RanSeed2 None No description
RcpCustomDir None Local directory for custom RCPs
RcpDirectory None D0runjob working variable defined as $SRT_PUBLIC_CONTEXT//rcp/.rcp
RunDescriptorList None Parameter for SAM !!!
RunNumber None Run number (set by d0_runjob)
SamFileType None for reconstructed data it is 'derivedDetector' for MC files it is 'importedSimulated'
SamSchema ['global', 'generated'] List of directories to appear in SAM metadata, set for each configurator
SamStoreOutput None Output stream to store in Enstore i.e. thumbnail
Strace None Switch to strace the command
TaskDirectoryName None D0runjob working variable
TaskScriptName None D0runjob working variable
UseMaxopt 1 Use the Maxopt build of this executable if possible. (1: use maxopt, 0: use normal debug build
UserExeDir None User directory for customized executables in 1st position in PATH
VxSigx None Vertex width along x
VxSigy None Vertex width along y
VxSigz None Vertex width along z
WorkGroup dzero Working group name
Xoffset None Vertex offset along x
Yoffset None Vertex offset along y
Zoffset None Vertex offset along z