Monte Carlo Production At CCIN2P3

The MC production is managed using Oracle database.
To submit jobs you have to type production submit and all jobs flagged under your responsabilty in
the database are submited.  A d0survey job has to running on a worker to permit the automatic submission
of jobs: command
To clean Errors to re-submit jobs use this command production cleanErrors.
The list of all productions are displayed  here

The database is fill out from request files. Only the database administrator is allow to perform this operation.
The logfiles are tempory stored in $GROUP_DIR/prod-oracle and permanently archived in a tar files. The tarfiles are
stored in To get the tarfile where is stored the outputs of a job you
have to pass the following command: <jobname> and the tarfile is copied in /scratch.
The directory from a job which terminated with an error is not backuped and stay in prod-oracle directory. <production type> <requestid>  is used to inform the database that a request is complet
(you decide to terminate the production).

To get a list of from the database you have to use the following commands: "<sql selection>" "<sql selection>"
The double quote (") has to be enter.  Here you can find two exemples of SQL commands you can use:

filename like '%higgs%' and requestid=1000