Use MC_RUNJOB at CCIN2P3 ( private production )

The available mc_runjob versions are obtained by the command : The version tagged current is the one to use.

The full mc_runjob documentation is available here

This note is aimed at users who want to perform private MC production. It will explain the interface and the modifications to mc_runjob as it is implemented at the CCIN2P3.

In a few words, a set of macro templates is provided with a Python script to edit these templates and to submit the request to the BQS batch system. The outputfiles will be generally copied to HPSS, and the log and metadata files will be returned to a user specified AFS directory. All the needed parameters and all the actions are given in the mc_runjob macro.

Only a few parameters can be edited in the templates ( nb of events, inputfile name, directory name ) by the submitting script. The other parameters are hardcoded. Of course, you are free to change your own version of the templates.

The file with the available templates and scripts is available in :

where vxx.yy.zz correspond to the current version of mc_runjob. It contains the following files :


How to create your MC production environment:

How to submit MC jobs:

Some examples:

A final word

Space is very limited on the D0 GROUP_DIR directories. So, when your production is ready to be used, please concatenate your working directory, compress and archive the resulting file with help of elliotc.
elliotc archive -G y -c "comment" YourTarGzfile
You may have to run Elliotc on another platform (IBM or SUN) since it is not fully available on the Linux platfom.
Michel Jaffre

Last modified:  Wed Oct 27 17:35:00 GMT+1 DST 2005